Macfly in a movie
The movie Ad Vitam is now available on Netflix!
We had the chance to contribute to this great adventure. You will be able to see Guillaume Canet in full flight... in a Macfly, of course!
Don't wait any longer to discover it and share your impressions with us, we can't wait to read them!
A new endurance competition format
Many pilots have discovered the new Endurance competition format.
Among others, Thibaut LAINE and Michael MERLE completed hours of flights,
Thibaut finished 6th, and Michael won the Silver medal of the Open in the PL1 category,
Congratulations !
Groundhandling Macfly harness
The practice of paramotoring begins with groundhandling, hence the importance of making the groundhandling harness that seemed most appropriate to us :
Robust, easy and intuitive
This new harness for exclusive groundhandling use will help the Newbies to become Pilots
Already in stock and available
Luxury version
Available only for the 17L tank,
This carbon shell elegantly dresses the latter, and retains the possibility of seeing the fuel graduations.
3 gaz throttle models are now available,
The Polini, Vittorazi and the Off-Grid !
All are available for manual or electric start.
Paramotor Meeting USA
Back from the USA, where two meetings followed one another :
Salton Sea in California, and Flying Circus in Arizona.
It's a good idea for a trip for Paramotor enthusiasts !
New harness : the Sol REV
Comfortable thanks to its foam over the entire length of the back,
it also includes more pockets.
The design has been revised for more elegance
This one is in addition to the Sol and Sup'air harnesses in our range
The little extra:
The split hooks at the shoulders that allow you to attach the speed bar when you do not want to use it
New markings for fuel tanks
You were impatiently waiting for it :
We have now scaled / resistance tested / and validated the stickers
for 9L / 12L, and 17L fuel tanks
The fuel tanks will be delivered graduated from January 2023
Stickers are also available for purchase
Poche de Storage pocket
The new Storage Pocket is available in two versions :
Equipped with his tools or in its simplest device (like in picture)
Reinfort bar
Available for all cages in the range Ø 138 and 150
This reinfort bar allows a better rigidity of the cage, and therefore more margin compared to the propeller for an inflation with a little engine,
with a trolley in particular
New Goodies
New Goodies have been added and now accompany each complete Macfly :
Allen key, Push buttons, 2 stickers, Spark plug key, thanks card,
Keychain, T-shirt, Mirror and Storage pocket !
She did it !!
Marie achieves a feat : she outstrips all the male pilots and becomes French champion.
Marie is the first woman to win the title of Champion of France!
Category PF1 (Elite)
1 - Marie MATEOS
2 - Alexandre MATEOS
Category PL1
3- Michael MERLE
Category PL2
2 - Fabrice et Orianne BREUZARD
3 - Thibault LAINE et Sandra MOREELS
For the 5th year, Macfly won first place for the frame builder title. Thank you to all our pilots.
Our MACFLY pilots :
PF1 : 5ème Alexandre MATEOS - 7ème Julien MEYER - 8ème Marie MATEOS
PL1 - 1er Boris TYSEBAERT - 2ème Michael MERLE - 9ème Glenn MICHELLAND
PL2 - 1er Fabrice et Oriane BREUZARD - 2ème Stéphane CLAVURIER/Cyril PASQUIER
The macfly range is expanding
Travel cage
The new TRAVEL cage is now on the market
Available in Ø 138 and Ø 150, they fit on all our frame
With series titanium shrouds
Optionally, you can choose the carbon profiled shrouds
Travel cage disassembled - carbon shrouds
Travel cage disassembled titanium shrouds
--> Discover the travel cage :
Video of the assembly :
Video of the disassembly :
SOL harness
We propose two types of harness:
Supair, with whom we have been working since the launch of the Macfly brand and now SOL.
We have found a new range of harnesses which remains in the same philosophy but with a few details which will make the difference for the final choice of the pilot for taste and colors.
- Size: S / M or L / XL
- The strap adjustments allow us to have 1 harness, that is 2 sizes
- The thigh anchoring system is higher so as not to hinder takeoff
- The seat of the harness is equipped with a sliding strap on a ring, this allows the pilot to position himself quickly and without difficulty in the harness. The exit is also facilitated
Net color
New colors for cage nets
(no additional cost)
Macfly Sweatshirts
In addition to the T-shirts, we offer you personalized MACFLY sweatshirts
Public price : 37.50 €
Category PF1 (Elite)
1 - Alexandre MATEOS
2 - Marie MATEOS (1ère féminine)
Category Pf1 (national)
1- Gaétan MAGNAN
Category PL1
4- Michael MERLE
Category PL2
1- Stéphane CLAVURIER/Cyrille PASQUIER
2 - Maxence DUGUET / Sylvain MALENGROS
For the fourh year, Macfly won first place for the frame builder title. Thank you to all our pilots.
Category PF1 (Elite)
1 - Alexandre MATEOS
2 - Marie MATEOS (1ère féminine)
3 - Gaétan MAGNAN
Category Pl1
1 - Michael MERLE
2- Jean MATEOS
Category PL2
1- Stéphane CLAVURIER/Cyrille PASQUIER
2 - Maxence DUGUET / Sylvain MALENGROS
For the third year, Macfly won first place for the frame builder title. This title rewards a whole team of pilots whom we thank warmly,
We are very satisfied with the results of all our pilots.
For the second year, Macfly won first place for the frame builder title. This title rewards a whole team of pilots whom we thank warmly,
Congratulations to all Macfly pilots for your podiums and your participation
Alex : 8th title of Champion of France and Marie : 4th title of Champion of France !!!
The HF Thor 200 and Thor 190 breech modification kits arrived
These kits, composed of an Air Conveyor and a Spark Cooler have been previously tested by us in competition, and reduce the temperature under candle up to 50 °.
With the drop in temperature, the engine is more regular.
This will allow it a better durability.
Special prices for all Macfly pilots :
- Thor 200 Kit:
Special price TTC 240 € (public price incl. VAT 340 €) + shipping
- Thor Kit 190
Special price TTC 70 € (public price TTC 105 €) + shipping
Technical characteristics
The new design of the “HIGH FLOW” cooling shrouds combines the now existing air forced system with fan, the extraction generated through the propeller and the specific design of the cooling shroud.
This system, together with the SPARK COOLER lets the lowering of the engine working temperatures.
SCS is the innovative cooling system of the spark plug that lows the working temperatures in the point of highest warm and in the burning chamber, eliminating the events of over-heating. Polini SCS system reduces the EGT temperatures till 100 C° and till 50 C° the ones under the spark plug.
The new profile of the burning chamber improves the propagation of the flame optimizing the fuel combustion phase. This peculiarity, together with the increasing of the compression ratio, improves the engine performance reducing the fuel consumption.
Photos © Mateos & photos © SkyShot (Jej)